Dr. Ryan Richard Ruff, PhD, MPH is an epidemiologist and education researcher interested in school-based health systems, the role of oral health on child development, and the implementation of pragmatic clinical trials in schools. He is an associate professor in the department of Epidemiology & Health Promotion at the New York University College of Dentistry and an associated professor at the NYU School of Global Public Health. Dr. Ruff is a Principal Investigator of the CariedAway community-based participatory research network, leads the Pragmatic Research to Implement Sustainable Medicine in Schools (PRISMS) project, and is the director of the Laboratory for Research & Analysis in School Health (RASH Labs). In addition to his investigator-initiated research, he is director of the Biostatistics Core, supporting additional collaborations in oncology, biomaterials, and molecular pathobiology.
PhD in Research, Statistics, & Evaluation
University of Virginia
MPH in Epidemiology
Harvard University
MPhil in Education Policy
Cambridge University
BAMT in Education
University of Virginia
School-based research network and caries prevention program
Research Affiliate
Pragmatic Research to Implement Sustainable Medicine in Schools
Adaptive interventions to reduce treatment nonresponse
Research Scientist